Click this to close the window without starting a search.
Click this to save this query into a bookmark document.
Use this popup menu to select a server from a list of common servers.
Type the name of the Archie server to query here. Alternatively you can select a server from the popup menu.
Type the text of your query here.
Click this to use a sub-string matching query.
The query will be a simple sub-string match. It will return any entry whose name contains the Find string.
Click this to use a pattern matching query.
The Find string is interpreted as a pattern and the query returns entries that match the pattern. * matches any sequences of characters, ? matches any single character.
Click this to use a regular expression matching query.
The Find string is interpreted as a regular expression and the query returns entries that match the regex. Regexes are too complicated to explain here.
The query will be case-insensitive, thus “Frog”, “frog” and “FROG” will be considered the same.
The query will be case-sensitive, thus “frog” and “FROG” will be considered different.
Type the maximum number of matching entries to be returned by the query here.
Click this to save the preferences.
Click this to discard any changes you have made since you last saved the preferences.
Type your Email address here. This address is used as the password when you log into anonymous FTP servers.
Select the face of the font you wish to use in new windows.
Select the face of the font you wish to use new windows.
Type the size (in points) of the font you wish to use in new windows here.
Anarchie will not open a blank Find window when it is launched.
Anarchie will open a blank Find window when it is launched.
Anarchie will not open the bookmark listing window when it is launched.
Anarchie will open the bookmark listing window when it is launched.
Anarchie will not log FTP transfers.
Anarchie will log FTP transfers to “Anarchie Log” in the Preferences folder.
Anarchie will not decode fetched files.
Anarchie will use StuffIt Expander to decode fetched files.
You will be asked to provide a name for any file downloaded. To download files to a specific folder, click this box.
Downloaded files will be placed in the folder specified.
Click this to specify the folder in which to place downloaded files.
Click here to use normal FTP when transferring files.
Normal (anonymous) FTP will be used when transferring files.
Click here to use the specified firewall when transferring files.
The specified firewall will be used when transferring files.
Click here to use the specified Alex server when transferring files.
The specified Alex server will be used when transferring files.
Type the address of your personal, very own, favourite firewall server here.
Type the address of your preferred Alex server here.
This displays the country code of the country in which Anarchie thinks you are located. Anarchie uses this to calculate the distance value in listing windows.
You have not paid for this copy of “Anarchie”.
You have paid for this copy of “Anarchie”. Thanks!!!
Click this button to fetch the file or listing.
This buttons fetches the specified file or listing. Not available because you have not specified a valid host and path, or you don’t have enough free memory.
Click this button to close the window without fetching a file or listing.
Click this button to save this fetch command into a bookmark document.
This button saves this fetch command into a bookmark document. Not available because you have not specified a valid host and path.
Type a host name here eg “”.
Type a path here eg “/ComSci/ReadMeAboutRedback”.
Type a username here eg “fred”. Leave the field blank for anonymous FTP.
Type a password here eg “oihhlkhu”. Leave the field blank for anonymous FTP. Characters will be displayed as “•”.
Click here if the path leads to a directory. command-1 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to directory. If the path leads to file then you will get a listing window with just that file in it.
Click here if the path leads to a file. command-2 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to a file. If the path leads to a directory then you will get an error.
Click here if the path leads to a text file you wish to view. command-3 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to a text file. If the path leads to a directory then you will get an error.
Click this button to find an entry in the listing.
Click this button to close the window without finding anything.
Type in the text to search for.
Only the first entry will be found.
All matching entries swill be selected.
Use this menu to search for files, retrieve files, save bookmarks and save listings.
Search for a file by querying an Archie server.
Search for a file. Not available because there is already a Search window open.
Get a file or listing from an FTP site. You must enter the host name and path of the file
Get a file from an FTP site. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Get the selected file or listing from an FTP site. The “return” key is often a shortcut for this command.
Get the selected file or listing. Not available because there is nothing selected.
View the selected file in your favourite text editor. This is also useful for getting text files.
View the selected file. Not available because there is nothing selected.
Retry a failed “Get” or “Archie” operation. Hold down the option key to edit the request before retrying.
Retry a failed operation. Not available because the current window cannot be retried.
Open a saved bookmark file and fetch the results. Hold down the option key to edit the request before acting on it.
Open a saved bookmark file. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Open a window listing all the bookmarks in the Bookmarks folder.
Open the bookmarks window. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Save a bookmark for later use. The bookmark refers to either the current selection or, if there is no selection, the front window.
Save a bookmark for the front window. Not available because the front window does not support bookmarks.
Save the front window to a text file which you can import into a spreadsheet or word processor.
Save the front window to a text file. Not available because the front window does not support listings.
Close the front window. Hold down the option key to close all windows.
Not available because there is no window to close.
Display the help window.
Quit “Anarchie”.
Use this menu to work with text or to set preferences.
Undoes the previous text command.
Not available because the last operation cannot be undone.
Cuts or removes the selected text. The text is put into the clipboard.
Not available because no text is selected.
Copies the selected item into the clipboard. With the option key down, this will often copy as a URL.
Not available because nothing is selected.
Puts the current contents of the clipboard into the current selection.
Not available because nothing appropriate is in the clipboard or because you can’t paste anything into the current selection.
Remove the selected text or delete log entries. The text is lost forever.
Removes the selected text. Not available because nothing that can be deleted is selected.
Select the entire contents of the front window.
Not available because you can’t select anything in the front window or because you already have selected everything.
Find a matching entry in the window.
Not available because the front window is not a List Window.
Find the next matching entry.
Fetch the definitive server list from an FTP site in Texas.
Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Modify the preferences.
Not available because the preferences window is already at the front.
Use this menu to bring a window to the front.
Display the Log Window.
Not available because the log window is already at the front.
Display the Transcript Window.
Not available because the transcript window is already at the front.